Strengthen Your Weakness Through Golf

Course management plays a criticizing role by decreasing our scores and typically maximizing our potential in golfing. This also plays a vital role in decision making throughout the process before the hit of each and every shot which is completely in our hands.

Lets begin to follow few steps that improves our game through proper Golf Course Management:

  • First stop making any techy changes without thinking twice before implementing, this looks simple until you take it to your heart and realize it.
  • Next is to put ourselves in to various circumstances which helps in exposure of our strength rather than our weakness. Before playing a game we need to understand our strengths and weakness in the golf course.
  • Golfers selecting a more violent golf course management to plan it in a simple way as this sounds to be more fun.
  • When we are assembling our game for the given chance we have to first follow the most traditional path.
  • Once if the target is fixed then figuring out the best pick by mixing a few more violent decisions are taken in the given opportunities.

Golf Course Management

Special tips to keep golfers happier& secure:

  • Always be positive by making our customers happy without making out list of negative comments.
  • What truly makes golfers happy – course conditions,design,score,weather,service of staff,food & beverages,merchandise,pace of play.
  • Most of the golfers are attainting that “play at your own risk”by having a plan on safety monitoring of weather and lighting.
  • Raising awareness of lighting and saving our golfers from risky strikes by steps on critical always safe by keeping them happier and secure.

Features of golf course:

  1. Tee box: Beginning of the each hole of a golf course and the plot closed by the area in –between two tee markers and two club distances back from the tee markers.
  2. Water hazards: When the ball crawls into a water hazard the player can play a ball as near as viable to where the initial was last played.
  3. Rough: a golf consisting of series of holes each having a rough,hazards and a green with a flag stick.
  4. 4. Out of bounds: If your ball is lost you will be marked by white stakes then will be given with the penalty stroke.

5.Bunker: It is the area prepared to test the capability of the player to play the ball.

There are also other features under Golf Course Management like fairway,putting green,pin and hole.