What is individual seller plan and professional account on amazon
Amazon has always been among the most trusted sites in the world of business and services. Amazon provides expected customer experience with a wide variety of products, appreciative user-interface and services. There are about 300 million registered consumers here. It is a great opportunity for the sellers to display, reach and sell their products to a large number of people. Initiating and continuing the sale of any product is not an easy task. Generating income through selling on an online website is always a good option. Amazon is an excellent choice to achieve this purpose. The platform provides an individual seller plan and professional account for the sellers. These business plans differ in terms of benefits and features.
Individual plan amazon
In an individual seller plan, the amount of features compared to a professional account are less. Individual seller plans are perfect for people who want to sell products temporarily or people who just want to check their interest to sell. If the product is not yet finalised and the plan is to start small, this plan is best. An individual plan amazon account can be created without paying any fees. The only payment the seller has to do is $0.99 on every sale he/she makes in their store. This fee is in addition to variable closing fees and referral fees. The plan restricts and limits the number of items that can be sold in a month to 40. Several services like Buy Box can not be opted while using this plan. Buy Box enables products to get into cards automatically by the customers. Also the seller does not get the permission to sell particular restricted items using this plan.
Professional account
In a professional account, the chance to generate big income is immense. There are plenty of features and services a seller gets using this plan. The plan is recommended by big sellers across the world. The monthly fees to actively maintain the account is $39.99. The amount of products that can be sold per month is not restricted, providing the sellers a large market. There are a lot of advantages a seller gets here. A seller is eligible for Buy Box, and can get permission to sell restricted items. A report to understand the revenue, sale and market is also provided within this plan.
All about daily contact lens singapore
The eyes are a crucial part of the body and should always be taken proper care of. Many times, people fail to do so after which they must make use of spectacles and contact lenses. It is thus important to know what is good for the eyes and what brand should be used. The daily contactlens singapore is one such trusted brand that has the best lenses and a huge variety.
Why choose them?
TheĀ contact lens daily singapore offers top quality lenses for daily use. They ensure that lenses are of high quality and manufactured and sold to their customers keeping several factors in mind including the environment and sustainability. They make use of 80% less plastic and reduce the usage of water by 70%. Besides, they are allergen-free and are made with an anti-dry technology that ensures that the eyes stay moisturised for a long time. With the use of Hioxifilcon A technology, the right amount of water content is maintained, and individuals can enjoy every moment smoothly and without any problems.
How to shop?
To shop daily contact lens singapore, individuals should visit the website and seek assistance from the experts. They guide the customers through all the modern technologies and provide them with the best lenses in the world. These lenses are optimised at an affordable rate making them easily accessible for all. The rates of each set are mentioned online, and they specialize in myopia, hyperopia, and other conditions. To purchase a set, individuals can fill in their details and book themselves a pair that is delivered within 2-3 days. For other queries and problems, customers can reach out to the team online.
Thus, daily contact lens singapore is a trusted brand and should always be considered when it comes to buying the ultimate best in the market.