A brand protection specialist is a person who makes sure the company upholds its brand. Some of their duties include ensuring that copyright infringement does not happen and that trademarks are used according to their respective laws.
A brand protection specialist can be an individual or a department. If they are an individual, they usually work in-house, while in a department, they typically work with in-house and external agencies. A brand protection specialist creates, presents, and protects the interests of a company’s brand and its products. They do this by taking on the role of a legal representative for the company in situations where legal action is required and working with marketing experts to create strategic branding plans.
Qualities required in a brand protection specialist:
A brand protection specialist has to have good skills in communication, negotiating with clients, and research. They also need to be adept at changing direction when presented with new information that suggests that their plan may not work out as planned.
A brand protection specialist should have good communication skills and keep track of the legal proceedings for their company’s trademark or copyright. They also need good research skills, enough knowledge about the law to know what is going on with their company’s rights, and excellent organizational skills because so much information needs to be kept up-to-date and managed adequately.
Many different types of jobs fall under the umbrella term “brand protection specialist,” including lawyers, consultants, accountants, business analysts, digital marketers, market researchers, and more.